Elisany Silva 14 year old, tallest teenager.

Elisany Silva with her sisters.
Meet Elisany Silva, a 14 year old girl from Brazil, who keeps
growing. She is much taller than the girls in her class. She stands at
6 feet 9 inches tall. It makes her the tallest teenager in the world.
Silva is a young, playful, and energetic girl just like her friends.
Being much taller than her sisters and friends has not been easy for
‘When I play and I get distracted I hit my head into the door frame’ Silva said.
The pretty girl is believed to be suffering from a rare disease which has caused her extreme growth.
According to reports, her
mother said: 'I want her to stop growing so she could be more like the
girls her age I know she feels weird and sometimes she wishes that she
can to be like them.
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